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The money secrets they hide from you to stay poor - Learn how money works /Andrew Tate

The money secrets they hide from you to stay poor - Learn how money works /Andrew Tate

 Morpheus says, "In most people's minds, they are not ready to be free. Most people are so dependent on the system that they will fight to defend it. Their minds are not ready to be free."

I was walking to school and college with a couple of my friends. A Ferrari drove past, and I said, "Bro, you see that?" He goes, "Yeah, what about it?" I said, "Doesn't that piss you off?" I lost about 16. He goes, "Why?" So, this dude has 400 G's for a car, 400 grand. I am walking four miles to college because my mom has no car. He has 400 grand! Do you think he works a job? Do you think he is behind a counter somewhere? He knows something about the world that I do not know!"

Moreover, they were like, "Well, he is rich." I am like, "Yeah, I know. I did not say he was not rich, dummy. I am saying he knows something about the world I do not know." Moreover, I was intrigued, and it angered me. I could not sleep for weeks. I was pissed off every time I saw somebody with genuine money. I understood that everything I was being told and taught, and they were trying to make me believe, was invalid. I was like, "None of these people are getting these things by following the path the system is trying to make me follow.

The average person comes to me and says, 'What do I do? I am just the average guy.' My only answer is, 'Stop being the average guy. It is my only answer. You cannot just be the average guy anymore. The idea from the 1950s that you can be the normal, average, law-abiding, hard-working citizen and you will have a good life is gone. Any man out here who goes, 'I am just going to work hard, do my bit, and obey the laws, and I will have a good life,' no, you will not. No, you will not. Just doing your job will never make you rich because you will just be taxed into infinity, and you will stay broke. Many things people are told about how to make money are accurate, but they are no longer accurate. I knew there had to be another way. I knew that just working for money was a paradigm that was not true.

I would say this, another thing I say to my people who ask me, "Andrew, how do I get rich?" Moreover, I say, "Okay, well, you will probably not get rich because I bet you are lazy. However, let us say you are not lazy. This is the number one habit people need to adopt, and I have had it for a long time. I have recently cleared it from my brain because I have reached a point where peace of mind is worth more than money. However, every time money is spent, you need to identify how your money was taken from you." Moreover, I say taken because money cannot be made. Money is taken because the only people who can make money are the government. So, if you are a government, you can make money. You can print it from thin air or a bank. However, if you are a person, you are not making money. You are convincing other people to give it to you. You are taking money from others. So, every time you spend money on anything, you must identify how it was taken from you. Moreover, you go and buy a coffee. Do not just buy the coffee and sit down. Sit and say, "Why did I buy this coffee? Okay, I want coffee. Yeah, but then why did I go into this store and not that store? Is it better advertising? Does it have less of a line? Do they have seating? How did they convince me to come here? How much did this coffee cost? Six quid. What is the profit margin on that? Probably five pounds. Fifty-five pounds. Eighty probably by the time the cup. It probably costs more than coffee. The cost is more. How did they convince me to spend six pounds in this place?" Moreover, when you sit there and analyze, and you also have to learn little lessons about business, you will learn about the importance of the signage. You will learn about the importance of there being no queue. Yeah, if you ever run a business, I say with my business, my people all the time, "Faster all the time. Quicker." Yeah, like, I have a couple of physical businesses. I am like, "I do not want to see a line. I do not want to see it empty. So, it does not look good. So, when there are lines, you work fast. We are down to one or two people. You take your time. You talk to the customer. Keep it so there is always one person. Manage the line. People do not think about this stuff. No one is going to sit and wait in a long queue. Maybe some idiots will. But people like me will not. We have got to do. My time's worth money. I am not going to stand waiting in line." So, you have to identify how your money is taken from you. Start doing that every single time you spend anything. You are going to start to identify business opportunities, and you are going to sit there, and you are going to have coffee, and you are going to go, "You know what? They could have sold cake, and they did not. Could I outcompete this place? Imagine I had the money to start a coffee shop right next door. How would I outcompete them? Well, I would have cake because they do not have cake. Also, most people here are businessmen, and this guy is serving some dude, no. We need a cute server. His ass is fired. I need a chick. Put a chick here. Put some cake in. Financial Times, business people. People do not even think about this stuff. They do not use the brain ever. They never look around and realize how they are spending their money. They do not look around and look at which businesses are successful. They do not look around and pay attention to anything. They do not look at the world and everything happening and how it can benefit them. None of them. They do not look at any of it. We will talk about networks and their importance, but it is interesting to talk about being in the room where people make appropriate deals. I say the same thing. I say this to people. I say if you are in a room full of ice cream experts, ice cream, and all they talk about is ice cream, how to make ice cream, their favorite flavor, the best way to store it, how much it costs to produce, how to transport it, and that is all they talk about is ice cream. Even if you have no interest in ice cream over a long enough period, you will end up knowing stuff about ice cream. You will know, like, "Ah, that is double chocolate. It costs this much, and this is how they moved it." Then you are going

 to know things about ice cream. If you are in a room full of people who want to talk about money, then you will end up knowing about money. It is the same thing. The network is net worth. I will not understand this, and people also understand that they are likely to become the sum of the five people they spend the most time with. However, then they hang around with losers. The average person is not sitting around having conversations about the war in Ukraine, the Russian ruble, or the financial impact of war. My team and I are different. Most people see the news; they watch the news. "Okay, yeah, anyway, my team and I are watching the news. Okay, how can that make us money? How can that make me money? How can that make me money?" Right? Moreover, it is a different attitude. I am having endless conversations about the financial impacts of the war in Ukraine and whether we think that Russia is going to win or lose. Moreover, the Russian ruble is now at an all-time high. The Russian economy is stronger after crashing at the height of the sanctions. Moreover, they took away the sovereign wealth fund of Russia, which is criminal anyway. They did that. It dumped down, and now it is higher. It has never been on a currency to get a 3X. Yeah, it is nearly unheard of. People do not talk about these things. I am a busy man. Like, I do not have time. I have given away all these opportunities. I have told a little about domain names, the Russian ruble, stocks, etc. I am swamped with my network; I have hundreds of people to whom I talk, all doing this. "Hey, Tate, have you seen this?" Boom, and I will throw him something. He will throw me something. That is my ecosystem. That is who I talk to. Those are my friends. We do not talk about Rihanna. We do not talk about football. We do not talk about Love Island. We do not talk about anything other than money. How are we not going to make hundreds of millions of dollars? How are we not going to... How am I not going to have money? That is all we talk about. It is all we do. So, I say this. If you want to say, "When was last we talked about the coffee shop example?" Save people time. When was the last time you sat and talked about them? What do you mean? When did you last sit down with someone and talk about money? What do you mean by talking about money? If you do not know what to discuss, you do not understand money. So, learn how money works. Learn how banks work. Sell on YouTube for free. You are going to pay 50 grand in four years at the university. Sit on YouTube and understand money, banking, or the real estate market of it. Understand the last housing price crash and why it happened. Understand mortgage rates and how this is affected by interest rates. Understand it, and then sit with someone else who understands it and talk about it. "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I should do that. Yeah, yeah." Even being around people with money is just a good place to be. I will give you an example. I was in Romania, and I probably have the largest car collection in Romania. I have 28 supercars, everything you can name. Moreover, I went to a town called Cluj-Napoca. It is on the border of Hungary. I drove there in my Chiron, and I parked up, and a kid came up, and he said, "Hey, can I take some photos of your car? I have a car's flying page." I was like, "Yeah, whatever. Cool." Moreover, he goes, "Okay. I will be a few minutes." And this, we took a bunch of photos, and he goes, "And you come up to me and say, 'Do you want the photos?'" Moreover, I was like, "Not really. I have already had Frozen." Moreover, he goes, "Oh, yeah. Okay. Well, if you want him, here is my email address." Moreover, I said to him, "Why did you do this? You spend all day standing around taking photos of other people's cars." Because they are not a waste of time. I thought it was a waste of time, but I was wrong. He goes, "Oh, well, I skipped school, and I skipped college because I knew if I took pictures of expensive cars and emailed them to people, I would have email addresses of the richest people in Romania." I was like, "You are clever." I ended up hiring him. He works for me now. Yeah. I was like, "You know what? I like you." He got himself a full-time job that day. So he understood: be near the money. I have no money. Money is over there. Let me get closer to it. Nobody is staying over here on my own. Let me at least get closer to it. That was a 17-year-old kid making ten grand a month in Romania. For me, so at least being closer to it. So that you are right. Even if they do not have a penny in the world, people should attend these meetings about real estate and investing, especially if it is cheap. They should go, meet other people who at least have money, have conversations about money, and talk about it. How are you going to get what you do not talk about? Identify why you do not have as much money as you want. There is one of three reasons for this. You are either lazy, stupid, or arrogant. You are either lazy or lazy, which is quite a small contingent because I think many people get out here and work very hard to get a degree. Even if you are a trash man, that still works. You are working hard. You are just not making any money. Moreover, if you could show somebody how to make money, many people would do it. I do not think they are that lazy. If you say, "Look, press this button for money." They will not go, "No, I cannot be bothered." All right. Okay. They are just too lazy to find out how, perhaps. However, once they know how, they will do it. Stupid, I think, is also a tiny percentage. I think stupid is a small percentage because I do not think that IQ; in fact, it has been proven that IQ has nothing to do with how successful you are. Brilliant people are broke. Very dumb people are rich. So, I do not think that stupid is why people are not rich. 98% of people are not rich because they are arrogant. They are brutally arrogant. Moreover, I say that because you will stand up and say, "I am going to do an event, and I am going to teach you how to make money from real estate." Moreover, people will look at you with all your success and go, "What does he know? I am not worth my time.

 You are the millionaire. Dang. I will sit here and say, 'I will give you free tips on how to make money online, hundreds of millions of dollars. Go to, sign up, and get a free email newsletter.' Yeah, did I see him on TikTok? He is full of it." Genuinely arrogant in your soul. Must you be as an individual to look at people who are massively successful with all the credentials and all the proof? It is all the things they talk about and believe. For some reason, you are too good to listen to that. Yeah, that is just arrogance. If Mike Tyson walked in here and said, "He has been teaching me how to punch even though I am already a kickboxing world champion," I would listen. It is Mike Tyson. If Beethoven walked in, we resurrected and walked into the teach me piano; I would listen. However, if I sit there and say, "Look, this is how you make money," there is a large contingent of people out there who go, "Yeah, but you know what? Tate, I do not like him. I did not ask you to like me. I will tell you how to make money." They are just arrogant. People are brutally arrogant, and it holds them back. They refuse to learn or listen to anything, and they are dummies. They are a bunch of dummies. 
