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What does the airdrop of aid on the residents of Gaza by the Biden government mean?


What does the airdrop of aid on the residents of Gaza by the Biden government mean?  Does this reflect some kind of American impotence?
       Gazans scramble for US aid dropped by US aircraft on March 3, 2024

 On March 2, 2024, the United States joined Arab countries like Jordan, Egypt, and the UAE in airdropping aid to the residents of Gaza. While some welcomed the American step, others questioned its implications. The move raised questions about the American position, and whether it reflected American impotence vis-à-vis Israel with regard to the ongoing war in Gaza.

The American newspaper Politico reported that the recent American step to drop aid by air on the residents of Gaza reflected the existing tension in relations between US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as the weakness of the American president’s influence on Israeli policy makers.

The newspaper noted that despite five months of pressure on Israel to allow aid to enter Gaza, where famine looms, the results have been limited. It added that the step of dropping aid from the sky confirms that Biden cannot convince Netanyahu to do more to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians, even if only to a small extent.

The World Health Organization said that the results of its visits to Gaza hospitals were bleak, and the head of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, noted in a tweet on his account on the X website that there are severe levels of malnutrition, and that “children are dying of hunger, and there is a major shortage of fuel and food supplies.”  And medical"

 He added that the lack of electricity poses a serious threat to patients, especially in units such as the intensive care unit and the neonatal unit.

Adhanom Ghebreyesus appealed to Israel to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid in a safe and regular manner, stressing that civilians - especially children and health workers - need intensive assistance immediately, concluding with his call for a ceasefire.

 On the other hand, US Vice President Kamala Harris called for a significant increase in the flow of aid to Gaza.

 US Vice President Kamala Harris said that people in Gaza are "starving" and urged Israel to "dramatically increase the flow of aid" there.

 “There must be an immediate ceasefire for at least the next six weeks,” Harris said, which would lead to “the removal of the (Israeli) hostages.”

 She added: “Our shared humanity compels us to act,” reiterating US President Joe Biden’s commitment “to ensure that innocent Palestinians in need urgently receive more life-saving aid.”

In an article published by the American newspaper The Washington Post entitled: “The situation in Gaza may become worse, but Biden can help prevent that.”

 The newspaper confirmed that there are developments that give rise to optimism that the American, Israeli, Egyptian and Qatari negotiators are close to reaching an agreement to release some hostages held by Hamas, in exchange for stopping the fighting for several weeks and bringing the aid that the Palestinians desperately need into Gaza.

No one can understands what the Biden government wants?  Will the Biden government support the Israeli government unlimitedly, even if it comes to the point that Israel completely annihilates the population of Gaza and kills all the children?  Or do you want a humanitarian solution with a ceasefire and the provision of aid to the residents of Gaza as quickly as possible?  The coming days are enough to show the truth of her position... Let us wait and see how many children will be killed?  How many children will die of hunger?  How many deaths are required to stop the war? 

 Observers wonder...
