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You've got to jump high / Inspirational words from Steve Harvey


 You've got to jump high / Inspirational words from Steve Harvey

You have got to jump high - Inspirational words from Steve Harvey.

I will tell you something that every successful person has to do, including you, believe it or not. Every successful person in this world has leaped. Let me explain what I mean by that. Eventually, you are going to have to leap. You cannot just exist in this life; you must strive to live genuinely. If you wake up thinking there must be more to your life than it currently is, believe there is. Deep down in your heart, you know it is there. However, to reach that life, you must leap, and I will explain why I call it jumping.

When you see people in life and standing on the edge of life, you may see others soaring by. You witness people traveling to exotic places and doing remarkable things. Perhaps you look at your neighbor who gets a new car every year while you struggle to make ends meet. Have you ever considered that these individuals have identified their gifts and are living in their purpose? It would help to stop focusing on gifts like running, jumping, singing, or dancing. It is more than that; it is about networking and connecting the dots. Whether you draw, teach, fry chicken better than anyone else, bake pies, cut and color hair—your gift, not your education. Education is valuable, but if you do not utilize your gift, that education will only take you so far. Many people have degrees but are not using them—it is about your gift.

However, the only way to soar is to leap. You must take that gift tucked away on your back, jump off that cliff, and pull the cord. Your gift will unfurl, providing the parachute that will guide you. If you never use it, you will go to work. Moreover, if you wake up each day dreading your job, that is not living; you exist. At some point, you should experience what it truly means to live, but leaping is the only way to do that.

Now, let me be honest—when you first jump, you will encounter challenges. Your parachute will not open immediately. You will hit rocks, scrape against cliffs, tear your clothes, and sustain cuts and bruises. You will be bleeding, but eventually, the parachute will open. That is not a theory; it is a promise.

Here is another thing: you can play it safe, avoid the cuts and bruises, and remain on that cliff for the rest of your life. However, if you do not jump, you will never know. If I were you, I would leap because that is the only way to reach an abundant life. You have to jump, my friend; you must take a chance. I know some of you might be thinking, "But I have bills to pay." Whether you stay on the cliff or jump, you still have bills. If you quit your job, you might worry about your credit, but even with a job, you live paycheck to paycheck. Moreover, even with excellent credit, there may come a point where you can only buy something else.

So, do yourself a favor before you leave this world before you pass away—leap. Jump just once. Just jump. Thank you very much. Thank you.